Natural Creations Salon
How many times have you gone to a store and looked at the ingredients of the products you buy? Well, if you do you may be overwhelmed trying to pronounce what you are either eating or putting on your body!
I believe that we need to get back to the basics! So when I learned about the organic hair & body products and organic Color and Perm systems, I felt it was the best choice for my clients and staff.
You can pronounce the ingredients in everything. In fact, in our natural and organic product line, Shear Miracles, you could actually eat the creations (but it works best if you put it on your hair). It is nice to know how non-toxic it is.
Also, it is wonderful not having the typical "salon smell". No ammonia in the products means no overwhelming fumes or burning the scalp.
So with all the information I found when I was researching products, I felt that it was my responsibility to share this great new, and all natural system with all of my clients.
We still feature the hair products that you may be more familiar with, but take my advice, and give the organic product line a try.
I hope you will visit the salon and let me or my staff tell you more about why you should choose organic.
